Here are some terms you may find used in the Japanese press regarding the Corona Virus COVID-19 and their English translations. These are unofficial translations.
I got a lot of these translations from the classic WWWJDIC.
For more information on the COVID-19 situation in Japan, see this Reddit r/JapanTravel thread.
Wash your hands.
新型コロナウイルス / shingata corona uirusu / Corona Virus
感染者 / kansensha / an infected person
感染者数 / kansenshasuu / number of infected people
感染する/ kansensuru / to infect (to spread a disease)
2時感染者 / nijikansensha / secondary infection (if infected are put into a hospital and infect someone who was not infected)
接触感染 / sesshoku kansen / infection through contact
飛沫感染 / himatsu kansen / infection from droplets
感染爆発 / kansenbakuhatsu / explosive increase in infections
ソーシャルディスタンス / sousharu disutansu /social distance
一定距離 / ittei kyori / fixed distance (from something, used in context of social distancing
軽傷者 / keishousha / an infected person with light symptoms
疫病 / ekibyou / pandemic
世界的大流行 / sekaiteki dairyuukou / pandemic
防疫 / boueki / communicable disease control (e.g. by quarantine, disinfection, etc.);
休校 / kyuukou / school cancelation
延期 / enki / postponed
無期延期 / mukienki / postponed without set date to be rescheduled
中止 / chuushi / cancelled
休業 / kyuugyou / business temporarily closed
休業要請 / kyuugyou yousei / request (by the government) to temporarily closes business
休園 / kyuuen / park temporarily closed
休演 / kyuuen / performance or show canceled
時短 / jitan / reduced hours
拡大防止 / kakudai boushi / prevent from spreading further
自宅待機 / jitaku taiki / stay (quarantined) in your home
コロナ感染防止対策 / korona kansen boushi taisaku / measures to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus
臨時休館 / rinjikyuukan / a temporary (irregular) closing
時間短縮 / jikan tanshuku / reduced hours (of operation)
感染情報 / kansen jyouhou / information about the status of the infection
感染症 / kansenshou / infectious disease; infection;
感染力 / kansenryoku / degree of infectiousness (how infectious something is)
家庭感染 / katei kansen / infection at home among one’s family
蔓延 / manen / infestation; proliferation; being widespread
致死率 / chishiritsu / fatality rate
死亡率 / shibouritsu / death rate
陰性 / insei / negative
陽性 / yousei / positive
再陽性 / saiyousei / reinfection (recovered but tested positive again)
緊急事態宣言/ kinkyuu jitai senngenn / declare a state of emergency
緊急対策 / kinkyutaisaku / emergency measures
デマ情報 / dema jyouhou / fake news
消毒 / shoudoku / disinfectant
除菌 / jyokin / disinfection; sterilize;
アルコール消毒 / arukouru shoudoku / alcohol disinfectant
在庫 / zaiko / inventory
品切れ / hingire / out of stock, stock shortage
転売 / tenbai / reselling (e.g., 転売禁止 in regards to masks)
感染確認 / kansen kakunin / confirmed infections
厚生労働省 / kouseiroudoushou / Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare
高熱 / kounetsu / high fever
発熱 / hatsunetsu / to have (get) a fever
頭痛 / zutsuu / headache
検温 / kenon / temperature measurement
肺炎 / haien / pneumonia
検査 / kensa / inspection; examination;
入国規制 / nyuukoku kisei / immigration restriction
入国拒否 / nyuukokukyohi / denying entry to a country (immigration denial)
渡航制限 / tokou seigen / restrictions and limitations on flights
無観客 / mukankyaku / an event with no audience (many live events are being changed to live events with no live audience, i.e., televised only)
外出制限 / gaishutsu seigen / restrictions on going outside of your home (lockdown)
外出禁止 / gaishutsu kinshi / prohibited to go outdoors
自宅待機要請 / jitaku taiki yousei / a request to stay-at-home
不要不急 / fuyoufukyuu / unnecessary and not urgent (不要不急な渡航 travel that is neither necessary nor urgent)
指数関数的に増加する / shisuukannsuuteki ni zoukasuru / grow exponentially
密閉 密集 密接 / mippei misshuu missetsu / places with bad circulation, crowded places, close contact with others
行動変容 / koudou henyou / behavior change (change daily patterns to prevent spread)
最多を更新 / saita wo koushin / more than the previous maximum (used when reporting daily infection numbers)
医療崩壊 / iryou houkai / collapse of the healthcare system
封鎖解除 / fuusa kaijyo / “release of lockdown” city lockdown removed
警戒感 / keikaikan / feeling of urgency
個人防御服 / kojinbougyofuku / personal protective equipment
病床数 / byoushousuu / number of hospital beds
第二波 / dainiha / second wave
ガス抜き / gasu nuki / “out of gas” referring to people who are tired of doing self-restraint and start going out again.
出口戦略 / deguchi senryaku / exit strategy
新たな生活様式 / aratana seikatsu youshiki / new lifestyle
コロナ太り / korona butori / weight gained because you stayed indoors so long doing nothing during the corona pandemic
学級閉鎖 is also a good one for individual classes being quarantined.
ウンチ切符が無くなった is a good one for when every idiot housewife in the damn country buys up all the toilet paper.
Thanks! Poor poop tickets…
If you added 延期 (postponed), then you might as well add 中止 (cancelled), because many events are getting not only getting postponed, but also cancelled.
Also, 休業 (businesses), 休園 (e.g. Disney land) , 休演 (stage performances), etc all mean cancellation, closure, suspension, etc.
Will do! Thank you!
A very useful.list
Thank you