Back in 2007 I tried a hot sake with blowfish tale. With hindsight, I see that this might be called Fuguhire Zake.

From what I remember, I did not find it delicious. I’ve never had it since. The restaurant that I had it at was a blowfish speciality store, so all of our dishes included blowfish.

They brought out the sake in a full cup set inside of the square masu that you see in the picture. Then the set the blowfish on fire and dunked it into the sake. Adding the blowfish caused some of the sake to overflow from the cup into the sake. Nice presentation!
In terms of taste, I much prefer straight sake…
If you get a chance, try Hot Sake with Blowfish Tail! It might be fun!

Links around the web:
Fuguhire Zake (Hot Sake with Blowfish Tail)